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New Year, New Website

Posted on:January 5, 2024 at 08:00 PM

Hi There!

It is now 2024, which will mark 8 years since I started my journey as a developer.

I created my first portfolio website in 2016, and while it’s had a few revisions in the past 8 years, it hasn’t had as big of an overhaul as this iteration.

While the site is currently fairly light on content, there are a lot of features in place that give me a lot more flexibility to create content going forward.

After spending a few years working primarily with Drupal, React, and Gatsby, I’m excited to start using Astro, which has been an amazing development experience so far. The flexibility to use different frameworks and tools, as well as the amazing performance and build speed, makes the development process a lot more efficient.

I am still working on a few content types, and have quite a bit of writing to do before those types are ready to launch (as well as a few decisions that I still need to make as I write out that content), but I’m excited to have a new space to share what I’m doing and what I’m interested in.

Stay tuned for huge content updates over the next few weeks, and even more content as the years go on.